BooksFor more information, or to purchase any product below, click the red text in that product's description.
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BK All 7 Great Escapes -- save $50
Get all SEVEN Great Escapes volumes in one package and get $50 off! The 7 volumes include Volumes I, IV, and VII for those who work with children and pre-teens. They are suitable for therapists, parents and others who work closely with children, but are proving to be just as effective for therapists who work with "the adult child." The other 4 volumes, II, III, V, and VI are mainly for therapists, for use with adults and youth. more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$456.65 |
BK Athletics, Golf & Precision Skills, Volume 2A specialty book for adults, youth and children to assist in better performance in athletics, golf and various activities based upon precise skills. Pulls together scripts and other resources from the Great Escapes series, and adds a number of unpublished scripts. Consider getting $12 off by purchasing both volumes.
Table of Contents Athletics Golf and Precision Skills, Vol 2
Using the Great Escapes Resources, General Improvement Releasing Athletic Blocks (Child), Extending Boundaries of the Mind, Athlete Affirmations – Athletic Improvement Affirmations, Best Athlete (Child), Athletic Skills (Child), Confidence as Athlete-Golfer #2, Baseball-Cricket... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$35.95 |
BK Athletics, Golf & Precision Skills, Volume IA specialty book for adults, youth and children to assist in better performance in athletics, golf and various activities based upon precise skills. Pulls together scripts and other resources from the Great Escapes series, and adds a number of unpublished scripts. Consider getting $12 off by purchasing both volumes.
Athletics, Golf and Precision Skills
Table of Contents
7 Values of Using Scripts
About the Author
Using the Great Escapes Resources
Induction: The Green Valley
Overall Enhancement:
Affirmation: Being the Best Athlete Possible
Affirming Goals for Athletic Performance
Releasing Athletic Blocks
Confidence as an Athlete/Golfer
Maintaining Athletic Confidence
General Improvement for Athletes
Improve Athletic Abilities
Becoming a Great Baseball... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$38.95 |
$44.95 |
BK Catching the Brass Ring: The Way of Confidence & SuccessCreated by Del Hunter Morrill, Personal Guide & Hypnotherapist, this volume contains over 112 hypnotic scripts and other resources for hypnotherapists and counselors. They are adaptable to most ages.
It includes sections on the following issues: Locating & Releasing Causes, Self-Esteem & Confidence, Empowerment & Finding Your Self, Shyness & Social Anxiety, Performance & Speaking in Public, Success, Prosperity & Creativity, Motivation, Decision-making & Organizational Skills, Work, Professional Skills & Colleagueship, and Serenity & Stress Relief.
As with the other Great Escapes Volumes and Specialty Books, it is available in downloadable form, as hard copy in a... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$89.95 |
$149.95 |
$101.90 |
$91.90 |
BK Great Escapes vol. I, IV and VII ... save $15If your specialty is working with children, you have children, or you're interested in working with children, why not consider getting all three of the GREAT ESCAPES volumes of scripts and other resources. You'll receive a discount of $15 for all three volumes, which have been created especially for hypnotherapists working with children and pre-teens, for parents, and for anyone else who closely works with these age groups. (Check the store for Del's course on working with children and preteens.) more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$162.85 |
$148.90 |
BK Great Escapes vol. V + VI ... save $10Great Escapes vol. V and VI together... save $10 on these volumes which focus on the needs of adults and youth.
Volumes V and VI make a set: Vol V focuses on affirmations for various issues, more inductions, searching and releasing methods, and includes sections on learning and athletics. Volume VI focuses on prescriptions for various problems. more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$159.90 |
$250.80 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. IThe first of the Great Escapes series for transforming children's lives through the means of visualization, hypnosis, and other imaginative methods.
22 Scripts for Counselors, Teachers, Parents and other Guides and Mentors of Children. 67 pages.
About the books
Contents for Great Escapes, vol. I
IntroductionWhat Others Say A Young Girl's TestimonyTable of ContentsAcknowledgementsUsing this Book of Scripts
Inductions Only:The Star, the Tree, and the GardenBlowing up Balloons: An Induction Using Focused BreathingThe SeashoreThe Water Signal for ChildrenPendulum Induction for Children
Prescriptions (Some of Which Include Induction):Locating and Solving the Problem: Imprint Changing for ChildrenBurning the... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$35.95 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. IISecond in the Great Escapes series, "Assisting Adults and Youth in Obtaining What They Desire."
45 Scripts for Therapists of Adults and Youth. 151 pages.
About the books
Contents of Great EscapesVolume II
What Others Say .........3Table of Contents.........5Acknowledgements.........7Using this Book of Scripts.........9
Inductions into the Hypnotic State:First Time Induction.........11A Second Induction..........19A Brief Induction ..........23The Meadow Induction.........25Alternate Setting: The Tropical Beach......28Alternate Setting: The Seashore.......29Alternate Setting: On a Boat in the San Juans.....30Alternate Setting: In a Cabin by the River.....31Relaxing in Nature (An Indirect Induction)......33
Eye Fixation Induction.........37Learning to Relax through Self-hypnosis.......43The Hot-Air Balloon.......... 51
Clearing the Brush... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$48.95 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. IIIThird in the Great Escapes series.
113 Additional Scripts for Therapists of Adults and Youth. 335 pages.
About the books
Contents of Great Escapes Volume III
AFFIRMATIONSFor Empowerment..........15For Facing Changes..........17For General Well-Being & Success.........19For Healing the Body and Mind........21For Improving Memory...........23For Releasing the Past...........25For Youthfulness...........27
INDUCTIONS INTO THE HYPNOTIC STATERelaxing in Nature (Revised from Great Escapes II) ...... 29 Brief Induction: Relaxing in a Safe Place........33Creating Your Own Safe Place.........35My Safe Place: Relaxing in my Bedroom........37My Safe Place: On a Sailboat.........39Brief Induction #2..........41A Brief Meditative Induction.........43In a Canoe on the Lake...........45On a Rough Coastal Beach.........47Reading... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$109.95 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. IVFourth in the Great Escapes series.
73 Additional Scripts for Assisting Children & Pre-Teens. 189 pages.
About the books
Volume IV
Table of Contents..........7
7 Values of Using Scripts.........11
The Value of Story-telling in a Practice.......12
Using this Book of Resources........13
Facing Changes..........17
My New Body...........19
The Child Smoker Who Wants to Quit......21
Blowing Up Balloons (An Induction for the Younger Child).....23
The Meadow............25
Pendulum Transition into Induction.......27
Inductions for the Younger Child.......29
The Rainforest Pool (An Induction and Prescription for Self-confidence and Other Issues)
Helping Children Articulate What's Wrong..... 33
(Handling Divorce and Other Family Problems)
Locating & Solving the... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$75.95 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. VGREAT ESCAPES, vol. V
Fifth in the Great Escapes series, it offers another 90 scripts for ADULTS and YOUTH. 222 pages.
Volumes V and VI make a set: Vol V focuses on affirmations for various issues, more inductions, searching and releasing methods, and includes sections on learning and athletics. Volume VI focuses on prescriptions for various problems.
About the books
Contents for GREAT ESCAPES Volume V
AFFIRMATIONSAlcohol, Anger, Exercise, Feeling Stuck, Healthy Weight, Shyness,Speaking in Public, Stress
HANDOUTS for CLIENTHealth, New Body
POST HYPNOTIC SIGNALSWater, Green, Red, Stress Buster, Anchoring Relaxation, Peace, Insomnia, Recovering Hypnosis
PARAGRAPH INSERTSCoping with Anxiety, Business... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$82.95 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. VIGREAT ESCAPES, vol. VI
Sixth in the Great Escapes series. Another 95 scripts and other resources for ADULTS and YOUTH. 261 pages. Fifth in the Great Escapes series, it offers another 90 scripts for ADULTS and YOUTH.
Volumes V and VI make a set: Vol V focuses on affirmations for various issues, more inductions, searching and releasing methods, and includes sections on learning and athletics. Volume VI focuses on prescriptions for various problems.
About the books
Contents of Great EscapesVOLUME VI
ADDICTIONSReleasing HabitsFreedom from SweetsGiving up AlcoholStop Drinking #1 and #2Stop Drugging #1 and #2Speaking to the... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$86.95 |
BK Great Escapes, vol. VIISeventh in the Great Escapes book series: 62 more scripts for working with children and pre-teens. 135 pages
Contents for Volume VII
Children Learn What They LiveAbout this BookAbout the Author
Affirmations, GeneralOverall Well-BeingSleeping PeacefullyPositive Suggestions for Children While Sleeping (Hand-out)
Induction Processes4 Inductions for Little ChildrenPenguinsThe Star, the Tree and the Garden (revision for young children)The Wardrobe ClosetThe Seashore (Lakeshore)Camping in the WoodsUsing an Illusionary DiagramConvincers: The Oak Tree, The Dropped Coin, Glued Palms,
Inductions and Deepening Methods: The Stair Case, The Elevator (Lift), The Candle
Causal ReleaseSeeking the Cause of a Child’s ProblemReleasing Balloons
Anxiety and FearsCoping with Anxiousness #1 The... more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$65.95 |
BK Important and Basic Food WisdomCreated as a helpful handout for new weight control clients, a 38 page booklet of important and basic food wisdom for the healthy and slim body one desires; includes clarification of just what information regardng health, eating and weight is consistent, regardless of the latest writer or diet "fad". It also contains suggestions on ways to eat nutritionally and at the weight desired. The "Link" button takes you to the table of contents. more details or Buy Now, CLICK HERE |
$23.00 |
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