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hypnotherapy books

Del Morrill, M.S. C.C.H


A Center for Counseling & Hypnosis
Tacoma, Washington, USA
(253) 752-1506

What Others Say about Del's Scripts for Children





Many thanks for the scripts, Del.  They are some of the gentlest and most delightful that I have come across for children.  The waterfall and passageways leave plenty of scope for adaptation to many situations… The Great Escapes Volume 2 scripts have a deep underlying strength to them - messages of hope, courage, the deep seated belief that change can happen and will happen, all cradled in comforting words using a gentle Ericksonian permissiveness and respect.  All of them have been carefully structured to be creatively adapted.         

           Denise Ghalebi, United Kingdom


Thanks you for sharing some of your scripts for working with children, Del.  A friend here has used it and finds it most helpful for her own children.

Gail West, Director, Institute of Cultural Affairs, Taiwan


I do appreciate the scripts that you shared with me, Del. They are wonderful.  Thank you so much.  I really like the “protective layers” one.  It’s so simple, like a fairy tale, and creates such a beautiful feeling at the end.  Lovely.  These scripts are wonderful resources for me, and I will use them well.

Betty E Moore-Hafter, Hypnotherapist, Boston

I received the book, it's great. I saw (my client) last Thursday and I used the star and worry tree with affirmations. He had a positive response and emerged with a smile. I got an e-mail from his mother who states both children are doing great. Thanks again for the help and the wonderful book of scripts.                                         Alice Amos

Those of you who have not been aware of Del's script books, please know that they are excellent- fun and creative! I especially love the scripts she has created for children. She brings in Angelic helpers, a worry tree, animals, a burning ship to get over problems, changing labels, a reading bubble, meeting a magician, a memory computer and other creative things. For the adults she also has a script for changing labels which is powerful, dropping sandbags, new beginnings, releasing healing energy, self acceptance, affirmations, shedding layers, general improvements and much more.                                                                                                          Kay Nuyens

Del Morrill has some of the best script books that I’ve come across. There are several available on her website.  I use them myself.   There are several "Great Escapes" volumes for adults and for kids. Check out her website for more info: http://www.hypnocenter.com   I especially enjoy the Worry Tree script. I use her books with my own daughter and have with a number of children with great results.                                                         Yvonne Schwab, Foundations In Success, San Jose, CA

Del Morrill has a stupendous collection of scripts and ideas for kids and teenagers, and I recommend that everybody on this list has it in their library.   This is an unsolicited testimonial.                                                                   Stephanie in California





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