Scripts for Fibromyalgia Patients?
I notice you've written about Fibromyalgia. Do you have any specific scripts for FMS patients?
Thanks for writing. You are among a good many who write to me about this illness. I don't have specific scripts related to fibromyalgia, because there are often so many things involved in the client with FMS. I specialize in this problem, and have it myself. I have found a number of things necessary in working with this issue. Besides using my intuition and doing a lot of adapting, I use a combination of scripts including my own (located in GREAT ESCAPES Vol II, and soon in Vol IV) in which I use scripts on problem solving (going to the source and changing the imprints), self-esteem issues, cleansing, pain control, and insomnia. Often needed, as well, is work with releasing guilt, depression, resentment, anger, and certain events of the past that may be contributing to the illness or interfering with the healing process. I'm attaching some information on the script books, in case you feel they might be helpful to you. If you can't read attachments let me know and I'll cut/paste in an e-mail for you. I also can send a Table of Contents, if you prefer.