More than One Problem at a Time
As a hypnotherapist, what's your perspective on the value of tackling more than one problem at a time? Every one asks me if I can tackle more than one problem at a time. I try to do that linking smoking and weight loss or smoking, and anger resolution but wondering if I am reducing the success of the hypnosis by linking too many things together. I cannot ask any one else these questions because they think I am crazy not to get every bit of money out of a client that I can by doing individual sessions for everything. I hope I have been clear without being too long. I want to do the best I can for my clients but while earning a decent living.
I just tell clients that they are much more likely to win and will have better value for their money if they tackle EITHER smoking or weight control, but not both at the same time. I assure my clients, with smoking, that I'll be inserting suggestions in the 2nd session that will help them stay at the weight they want to be at while they are quitting, but other than that, I don't try to do a weight control and smoking together. It scatters the intent too much and weakens what you are trying to do. The only exception I make to this is (1) adding self-confidence and happiness to any script, and (2) with children doing something their parents have asked for and doing something the child wants you to do especially for them (example is bed-wetting and running faster in soccer, or the like). I do this because then the child is convinced that I really want what they want. (and, at the same time, I'm honoring their parent's desire.)