Marketing & Advertising
I?m a fairly new therapist, and have several questions about the value of advertising and other promotion of hypnosis... what have you found to be the best use of your advertising dollar? What have been your worst advertising mistakes? What is the best use of your time in promoting your business? What has proven to be a waste of time in promoting your business? Is there anything you would do differently when it comes to marketing your business?
The best use of my advertising dollars during the past 16 years I′ve been using hypnotic methods in my counseling practice are my web site, internet linking and professional hypnosis internet directories. Others are the yellow pages in which I have a sizeable ad with my picture and specialties, my monthly Q and A in our major newspaper here (called ?Ask the Professional?) and letters sent out to new chamber of commerce members and real estate brokers. I?m sure this probably varies from place to place, but in this area my worst advertising mistakes have been any special advertising boards up on bowling alleys, golf courses, etc.; large display ads in newspapers; any advertisement for a year (always at a "bargain") in any group's newspaper or internal organ; and yellow page ads in specialty telephone books (outside of the major telephone directory). The best use of my time in promoting my business has been in keeping my web site up-to-date; getting Q & A′s into the newspaper; expanding my network with other professional counseling and hypnosis colleagues; sending introductory letters and business cards to them and naturopathic and allopathic physicians, chiropractors, acupuncturists and massage therapists; and making sure all of that information is into my computer added to my comprehensive contact list. About once every couple of years I take some time to intensify telephone calls to local HTs and counselors asking for their specialties, costs, locations, etc., letting them know that I refer clients now and then and want to target my referrals as best possible. I follow up those calls with a thank-you note and introductory materials. What would I do differently? I wouldn′t waste my time and money with any of the ?worst advertising mistakes? I′ve listed above. It took awhile for me to realize it was important, but one of the best things I did to help determine where to put my advertising money was to create a special notebook of a page for each month of the year, that I placed in the back of my appointment book. I ask each new client where they heard of me, and add it to that notebook. On each page is listed the type of advertising and other promotion methods, how much I spend on each per month and per year, and how many clients it would take to pay for that. Obviously, there are categories like referrals from clients, referrals from other professionals, brochures at a store, etc., which can′t be measured in money. So I take into account those as absorbing some advertising that′s important but doesn′t pay as well. At the end of each year, I evaluate whether a particular directory or other advertisement is worth the time and money. This way I keep from making assumptions by having objective data from which to make my determinations.