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Del Morrill, M.S. C.C.H


A Center for Counseling & Hypnosis
Tacoma, Washington, USA
(253) 752-1506

Hypnotizing a Very Small Child


     I have a 2 1/2 year old coming in to see me, who is terrified of bugs, including flies.  I’ve never worked with anyone this young before. How in the world do you hypnotize really little children? And do you have a script that will handle her fear?




     What a challenge. The youngest I’ve worked with is 3, and that was my granddaughter.  The youngest client I’ve had, thus far, is age 4.  Personally, I don't think one of the scripts is the way to go with someone that young.   I've found that you can hypnotize any age child if you set aside your traditional ideas of what inductions are.

     In terms of a "prescription" for the problem of her fear, what comes immediately to me is the idea of finding something that can be conceived as a magic wand.  Ask the child if they know what magic is.  Then tell it that you are going to perform something very magical that will make all flies and other bugs and insects afraid of her/him. Tell the child that you are going to wave this magic want all around their body, and it will protect them from any harm by insects and bugs, because they will be afraid to.

       To induct, find something that the child can become totally absorbed in, such as coloring a winding circle that draws the eye inward, or watching a whirling gyrascope, finding something in a "magic box" that they can take home, or other such thing.  While they are wrapped up in that, then you can use a few comments about how relaxed they are getting by looking at that, and because this is so, they'll agree to what you are going to say and do.  There are so many ways you can “hypnotize” a child, including simply telling a story.  Here are some other suggestions.

                - pretending to be asleep

               - putting a colored dot on your forefinger with a face drawn on it for her to stare at until she gets sleepy

               -placing a coin in her hand and telling her that her hand will gradually turn, and as it does she gets sleepier and sleepier, and when the coin falls, she’ll be “asleep”  (She gets to keep the coin later.)

               -placing the child on a magic carpet, flying blanket, or puffy cloud and going on a trip

               -putting them in their special, secret place where they feel safe and cozy

               -having them “blow up balloons” as a way to practice breathing more deeply, with each breath making them more “tired”

               -or having the child use their breath to blow a sailboat along pond water

               -placing the child in a lovely, peaceful garden with wonderful animals, then lying down with her favorite animal or doll or blanket, and going to sleep            

               -using a spinning spiral or mobile she stares at until her eyes get sleepy

               -taking a rocket ship to Mars or the Moon

               -seeing how far she can count backwards, skipping numbers, until they fade away,  or use the alphabet in the same manner

               -erasing numbers on a blackboard or whiteboard

               -going to a Magical Kingdom

               -being on a moving sailboat or other type of ship to some adventure

               -playing with animals or fish in the sea

               -letting the child hypnotize a puppet, doll or other, first, or even the therapist,  then allowing that puppet, doll or therapist to hypnotize her

     Have fun, and let me know how it goes.






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