Hypnosis in a Counseling Practice
I'm a counselor but I don't use hypnosis in my practice. Yet, I'm curious about it, and even more so since seeing your site. Of what value do you feel it is to the counselor?
I have been in some form of the profession of counseling for over 30 years. Since 1986, I have been a full-time counselor and hypnotherapist who uses hypnosis and other hypnotic methods such as visualization, wakeful dreaming, shamanism, etc., as primary tools with clients. I would never go back! I have found these tools to be so much more effective than cognitive therapy alone--they go to the heart of things more quickly and deeply, and thus, have a far-reaching effect on the client's everyday life. I've had many clients who have come to me having had more than a year of counseling, often many. They have gained a lot of insight on their problems, but have found no release, despite this awareness. They often feel very guilty about it. I feel that hypnotic processes are very effective in providing the release they've been needing. On the other hand, I have people who come to me for hypnosis for a presenting problem, but there are other issues which lie underneath, or accompany it, of which they seem unaware. The counseling process helps them get clarity so they can understand what their priorities are in terms of the therapy required. I have found that when the source of issues is dealt with, then positive suggestions have greater and longer-lasting impact. I have found that, even with so-called simple issues, like nail-biting or being able to pass an exam, often there is something beneath the surface that blocks success. If I merely treat the symptom with suggestions, then I am in likelihood of meeting the "rebel" or "fearful" one, who may block effective response. However, I have also found that there are times when a client just needs to talk something through, in order to come to new awareness and solutions. Also, at times, they are too nervous about hypnosis, or other "subconscious" tools, for me to "dive into" their use. As you know, "timing", in any counseling, is most important; the same is true with hypnotic work. I call myself a "counseling hypnotherapist," which hasn't been a common term in the hypnotic professions, as far as I am aware. I could call myself a "hypnoanalyst," which is more familiar to those in the profession. However, I find that term doesn't quite capture what I do. As a counselor, with my psychotherapy methods, I'm able to assist clients to become more aware of their possibilities, and the relationship of various events in their life to their problem. With my tools of hypnotic analysis, I'm able to go to the subconscious source of issues and help my clients find release at the deepest levels. This happens far more quickly than having them talk endlessly about their problems. With other hypnotic tools, I'm able to assist clients into their own internal resources for dealing with their problems, and to "reprogram" their subconscious responses to be more helpful to them so they can "get on with their lives."