Chronic Fatigue
I have recently discovered your site, and as a recently qualified Hypnotherapist I am learning a lot from the articles and questions. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and have had symptoms for several years now. I am constantly aware that I am treating other people without being well myself. I am aware of my limits as far as energy is concerned, although I push them every now and again just to test them. I am uncomfortable and almost guilty about practising and not being what I appear to be? I'd be very interested on your thoughts on this subject.
Thanks for your kind words. I have Fibromyalgia, which is very similar to CFS, but consider myself a walking miracle as a result of the combination of work I've done on myself and the help I've gotten from others--primarily hypnotherapy and counseling, homeopathics, acupuncture, massage, yoga and meditation. (On my web pages, FOR THE THERAPIST, you'll find a couple of Q& A's that are quite specific re CFS and Fibromyalgia, and some suggested ways to work with them.) And, as for practicing what we "preach" or "physician heal thyself", my attitude is that if we helped people only with what we absolutely are devoid of ourselves, we probably wouldn't have a practice at all. I'm overweight, and for quite awhile I wouldn't take weight control cases, until a colleague reminded me that who better could understand the issues of someone who struggles with weight, than one who struggles with it herself. She believed that the client wouldn't view this as a problem. So, now, I work with WC and quite successfully, I might add. Don't get discouraged. Take it all at a pace that's helpful for you. No sense burning out or getting run down. I've already been through that, and it's definitely no fun. So now I take care of ME, so I can more helpfully take care of others. Good luck in building your practice and in being of healing help to all who enter your doors.