Child's Terror of Bugs
A colleague has a 2 1/2 year old coming into see her today and she is terrified of bugs, including flies. What script would be helpful to my colleague for this situation?
What a challenge, Tonya, I've never worked with one that young before - oldest has been 4. I don't think one of the scripts is the way to go with someone that young. To induct, find something that the child can become totally absorbed in, such as coloring a winding circle that draws the eye inward, or watching a whirling gyroscope or other such thing. While they are rapt up in that, then you can use a few comments about how relaxed they are getting by looking at that, and because this is so, they'll agree to what you are going to say and do. (By the way, putting a red dot on your finger, or drawing a face on your finger, and having the child stare at it, will also do.) In terms of a "prescription" for the problem itself, what comes immediately to me is the idea of finding something that can be conceived as a magic wand. Ask the child if they know what magic is. Then tell it that you are going to perform something very magical that will make all flies and other bugs and insects afraid of her/him. Tell the child that you are going to wave this magic want all around their body, and it will protect them from any harm by insects and bugs, because they will be afraid. Hope that's helpful.