I’m under a lot of pressure at work.
The people I am working with are driving me crazy!
I’m stressed out by our family situation.
I’ve had chronic pain for years, but there seems
to be no help for it.
I am allergic to anesthetics; how do I deal with this problem?
Can hypnosis help?
How do stress and pain relate?
Stress and pain have a lot in common. They often feed on each other, like a vicious circle. Simplistically put, pain causes stress, the stress causes pain, the pain causes a reaction, which in turn causes stress, which causes more pain, and so cycle continues. Chronic stress becomes chronic pain; chronic pain causes chronic stress.
So, how can hypnosis help?
Hypnosis helps to break the stress/pain cycle. When one experiences pain, there is the tendency to make it worse by tensing up the muscles, which then causes more pain. One of the things hypnosis can do is to help you learn to relax those muscles and redirect the pain in a constructive and less invasive way.
Why has "stress" become such an issue?
Stress, in and of itself, is not a problem. It is a normal response, called "fight or flight", which happens when faced with some tension-filled situation. The issue comes when the stress is unrelenting. The usual body defenses eventually have no way to "recuperate" in order to assist you when you face challenges, illness or other possible dangers.