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hypnotherapy books

Del Morrill, M.S. C.C.H


A Center for Counseling & Hypnosis
Tacoma, Washington, USA
(253) 752-1506

Del's Favorites

For more information, or to purchase any product below, click the red text in that product's description.

Product Name Price
HAB Nervous Habits #1
Script for nail-biting, skin-picking, hair-pulling, smoking, and other chronic or nervous habits
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HAB Releasing Habits & Attitudes
A script designed to seek out the imprints causing the particular nervous or chronic habits or personalty problem, and releasing it so that new habits and attitudes can be developed
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IND Breath as Your Closest Friend (Induction)
A brief induction that assists the client in awareness of how their own breathing can enhance their health and help them relax Especially helpful for assuring anxious clients of success, and for breaking nervous habits and handling stress; also good for emotional eaters and addictions to tobacco, alcohol or drugs; builds in awareness of using one's breath to relax or get distance from an issue
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IND Hot-Air Balloon Induction
A trip in a hot-air balloon as a means of inducing the hypnotic state This is the induction on Del's New Beginnings recording, followed with the "dumping" of problems using "Dropping Sandbags" under Releasing Problems category, and then the New Beginnings script, under the Moving Forward category.
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IND Induction for First Session
An important non-visual induction for a client who has never had hypnosis; gives time for the client to be educated and confident of success, while going through the hypnotic process for the first time; because it uses words without forcing the client to think "visually" or "kinetically" it is suitable for any client It is helpful for a first hypnosis experience because it doesn't depend upon the client's visual ability or depth. The script includes an eye-closure convincer and brief sections of deepening.
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IND Meadow and River Induction
Sometimes I will use this as a first induction with a client, especially if (1) there is fear about hypnosis that hasn't been resolved, or (2) if the client has a great number of things going on in their life that needs to be "dumped."  Usually, however, I wait and use it later with my clients.  It is best with those who enjoy the outdoors. First ask your client what are their favorite relaxing settings such as being in a meadow, on the sea or seashore, etc. It can be adapted to other...
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IND Meditator's Induction
Brief Induction for the Meditator that is very helpful with those who are used to meditation, and are encouraged into the hypnotic experience by the familiarity; can easily be introduced at the begining of any other induction
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IND Relax in Nature Induction
A good beginning visual induction for someone who has had hypnosis before, for someone who loves nature, or for someone who might not respond well to direct suggestions; although starting with direct suggestions related to breathing and relaxing, overall it is less direct by taking the client on an excursion through various natural settings, including their own special place; allows insertion of a closed-eye convincer
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LUC Problem Solving Induction
An induction for someone therapist is working with who has come up against a block to their changing or healing; gets at the imprints causing their problem and changes those imprints into something more helpful
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LUC Ideomotor for Source Questionnaire
Ideomotor Questionnaire for locating the source of problems, in which some or all of the questions may be used in finding out what causes the symptom(s); especially helpful when client doesn't verbalize in regression attempts, and in by-passing the intellectual response
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LUC Ideomotor Preparation
A very helpful way to introduce the client to ideomotor signals, which makes questions and responses move more easily when seeking underlying causes of a symptom
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LUC Island of Memories (Variation for Regression)
The Island of Memories Variation #3 for Regression; a visual excursion into the past, this is one of my favorite ways of helping a client into a regressive state where they can dialogue about the past and it's relationship to their present problem
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LUC Regression Context & Q's
Description of how to best handle a regression to the past, and any contraindications to doing so, followed by a step-by-step process of regressing a client
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LUC The Fog (Variation for Regression)
Regression Preparation variation using the fog at the seashore, in order to locate underlying causes of a symptom
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MF Facing Challenges
A script for building confidence to face the unknown or tackle problems awaiting the client
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MF Invisible Fence (Extending Boundaries)
A metaphor that can be used for anyone whose imagination has not broken loose beyond what they think they are capable of doing or thinking; for those bound by past persons or experiences that keep them "stuck", such as students who need to extend their imagination beyond their own limitation concepts in order to do better in their learning environment (can be used in many other situations, as well)
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MF New Beginnings
A script designed to set the client up for success in whatever area they have need; has no particular problem focus, but, instead, encourages changing without fear, and confidence in succeeding in meeting their goals; makes room for a section of "dropping sandbags" (go to that script) in which clients can drop whatever they no longer need in their lives
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REL Cutting Ribbons
A successfully used method for helping a client release the people in his or her life who he or she tends to "hang onto", or situations that keep the client "stuck" in the past, thus impeding one's own progress
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REL Dialoguing with Perpetrator
A Releasing Technique for Re-Empowerment in which the child-self, with assistance of the adult self, faces the person who has had a hold over them and needs to be disempowered. 
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REL Dropping Sandbags
A script that was intended to be used with the induction "Hot-Air Balloon" followed by the script called "New Beginnings"; however it can be used within any session, provided a hot-air balloon is the "vehicle"
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