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hypnotherapy books

Del Morrill, M.S. C.C.H


A Center for Counseling & Hypnosis
Tacoma, Washington, USA
(253) 752-1506

Children's Problems

For more information, or to purchase any product below, click the red text in that product's description.

Product Name Price
CH Doing Things with Others
This script was created for an elementary-aged child who was unwilling to do anything with groups unless given a lot of solitary attendion. Also, he was very demanding of his parents' time. Altough written for a child who liked basetball, swimming and dancing, it can be adapted to other activities pleasing to the particular child client.
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CH Emerging a Child
Suggestions on how to most effectively emerge a child from the hypnotic stage
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CH Fear of the Dark (5 Suggestions)
5 Suggestions for handling fear of the dark and empowering the child
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CH Gifts from the Sea
Having gifts brought in by the ocean waves, after getting rid of burdens you're carrying around.
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CH Green - The
A post-hypnotic signal, using the color green, as a "go" permission to make whatever changes the child needs to make
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CH Hair-Pulling/Plucking
An Ericksonian style method of working with the child's "need" to pull hair, intensifying the idea until the child becomes too tired to pull or pluck; can be used with adults, as well
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CH Healing Cancer (Visualization for Child)
Adapted from a script for adults, a visual way of having power over cancerous cells
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CH Healing Pool
Visual imagery that helps the child get rid of physical discomfort - headaches, especially
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CH Healing River
A gentle river, that creates such comfort to the body when it is immersed, that one feels healthy and strong; removes aches and pains, heals more quickly, and release the body from excess stress - for child or adult
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CH Healing Waterfall (Child)
Adapted from THe Waterfall for adults, beginning in a meadow and traveling along a stream to a waterfall with water than cleanses, heals, and gets rid of problems
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CH Helping Children Articulate
8 suggestions on helping children articulate what's wrong; especially helpful in handling divorce nad other family problems
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CH Hypnoanesthesia for Children
5 methods of controlling pain designed especially for children
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CH Induction: Blowing up Balloons
An induction that uses focused breathing, teachingĀ a smallĀ child how at relax themselves with their breath by blowing up balloons.
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CH Induction: Camping in the Woods
An induction and cleansing exercise, created rfor a child whose favorite experience is camping out with his parents; includes suggestions of letting the mind search for the beginning of the problem, and to solve it
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CH Induction: Penguins
Developed for a child who loves penguins; follows an intro placing the client first in their "safe" garden
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CH Induction: The Candle
Using the image of a candle and its flame to draw a client into a hypnotic state
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CH Induction: The Elevator (Lift)
Using the descent of an elevator as both an induction and deepener
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CH Induction: The Meadow (Child)
A natural setting induction for the child, which can be adapted to any age; describing a favorite outdoor place, where the child (or child-self) can feel relaxed and safe; other natural settings can replace the meadow
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CH Induction: The Pendulum
For any age, but especially helpful for children to discover how powerful their minds are; easy one to use as a demonstration that leads into inducing hypnosis
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CH Induction: The Seashore (Lakeshore)
An fairly brief, visual induction for children, which can be used for other ages, as well.
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Displaying # 61 through 80 of 146




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