Help Me Pass the State Boards
I have to pass my State Boards. I have failed these twice before. Can hypnosis help me?
Most certainly. I have had many clients who were in a similar situation as you. Hypnosis can be used to give suggestions to help with study concentration, increase reading speed and comprehension, expand memory recall, and deal with test anxiety. Altered-state methods that reach the unconscious/subconscious mind are effective in helping you reach into much more of your own resources so that you can focus them on accomplishing what you want for your life. I have helped many people pass exams that they had failed at several times before, such as chiropractors, nurses and doctors who were trying to pass their state boards; people going back to school to be retrained for new professions; people in situations where they must memorize a great deal of material; and children who are having trouble with school. One of my most pleasurable moments was when a young man who had failed a test at 64%, came for hypnosis before having to retake it, and passed it at 100%. I wouldn't guarantee that kind of result every time for someone, but it is very exciting to see the results that are possible when more of our mental abilities are tapped into. Below is what one of my clients experienced: "I have finally passed my exams. My memory, focus and recall improved during my study and during the tests themselves. I was not afraid of the examiners or the situation as I had been previously."