Eating Interest
I am writing to get information on hypnotherapy for children. My son is seven years old and below his average weight. He is not a big eater and can go on days without eating a decent meal. He is very petite. Could this method help him enjoy a wide selection of food and actually increase his appetite? Right now he considers food as some kind of punishment. I just need him to get hungry and eat good food.
I worked recently with a child like this--a VERY picky eater. I used some imaginative stories related to feasts with friends and heroes.
The child went on various “magical” adventures into the woods, following new trails. Each new trail took him to an unusual community (The Town of Round People; The Town of Tall People, etc.). Each had houses and people indicative of the “shape” of the town, and each offered a feast of many foods following that principle. Although each dish was very strange, he felt that, to be a good guest, he should eat a little of each dish, he was surprised to find out how very good the foods were. Everyone was delighted to have him as a guest, made him feel welcome and comfortable, and were sorry to see him go (important always to add positive self-confidence statements).
My client seemed to do quite well with it. So I guess I'm saying, yes hypnotic work can be very helpful in this problem. (An example of this is in Del’s GREAT ESCAPES book for therapists, teachers and parents, Volume IV for children and pre-teens)..