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Del Morrill, M.S. C.C.H


A Center for Counseling & Hypnosis
Tacoma, Washington, USA
(253) 752-1506

The Three Faces of Regression Therapy

William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D

Many people reject the idea of looking into a past lifetime for problems as they claim to have enough troubles in the present life. This sounds reasonable; however, in clinical practice, clients discover that present life conflicts and problems often stem from traumatic events in prior lifetimes. Past life memories may come to us in many guises: the deja vu experience; recurrent dreams, either of a specific location, or of a frightening event; a crippling phobia or unexplained, groundless fear. People who fear water, public speaking, or heights (to name just a few common phobias) often uncover the memory of a death by drowning, hanging or burning at the stake before a crowd, or falling from a high place. As these past life traumas are explored and resolved in therapy, the phobias cease to exist for the clients.

The process of past life therapy is being used effectively by mental health professionals in many countries. Through the emotional feelings and body sensations associated with an identified present life problem, the client is prompted to locate the source or cause of the problem. This leads to the discovery of a pain-filled memory in a past life. The client, in the personality of the past-life character, is guided through the traumatic episode in the lifetime, and finally through the death experience. The therapist assists the client in resolving any remaining emotional issues, any unfinished business in that life, and to integrate the experience into the present life situation. The past life character, as a spirit, moves away from the body and the death scene and fully into the Light. The narrative is similar to descriptions of the near death experience (NDE).

Many emotional problems and conflicts are quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy, usually in far fewer sessions than with conventional therapy. Many physical ailments are considered to be psychosomatic, and these conditions may begin to diminish or cease altogether through past life regression therapy.

In practice, the therapist trained in Past Life Therapy (PLT) and Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) will recognize that some of the past life scenarios are not those of the client, but of someone else, an attached spirit of a deceased human being. There are specific methods of differentiating between the two. This condition has historically been labeled spirit possession. A more accurate term is spirit attachment, indicating an interference, a much more common event than possession, which implies complete takeover.

Our language reflects an inner knowledge of this condition: "What got into you?" "What possessed me to do that?" "I'm not myself today." Even the comedian, Flip Wilson, expressed the concept with the comic line: "The devil made me do it." The possibility of spirit possession, that is, full or partial takeover of a living human by a discarnate entity, has been recognized, or at least theorized, in every time and in every culture. A disembodied consciousness se ems to attach itself and merge fully or partially with the subconscious mind of a living person, exerting some degree of control on the behavior, the mental functioning, and emotions, as well as producing sensations and symptoms in the physical body.

Attachment to any given person may be completely random, even accidental. An attachment can be benevolent in nature, self serving to fulfill a personal need of the spirit, malevolent in intention, or completely neutral. Some investigators in this field estimate that between 70% and 100% of the population are affected or influenced by one or more discarnate entities at some time in their lives.

The treatment for the condition of spirit attachment consists of six distinct steps. The first step is to discover and identify any and all (there is never just one) attached discarnate spirits or entities. There are many clues which assist the therapist in the discovery of an attached entity.

The second step is differential diagnosis. Most of the attached entities fall into one of three categories: EBs, the earthbound spirits of deceased humans, terminated pregnancies, and mind fragments of living people; DFEs, the dark force entities, historically called demons; ETs, extraterrestrials and aliens, that is, beings from other worlds, dimensions or densities. There are others which defy classification.

The third step is dialogue with the entity. Each type requires the precise treatment which will lead it to release willingly from the client and go to its own appropriate destination.

The fourth step is the actual release of the attached entity; each different type requires a different releasement process.

The fifth step is a specific guided imagery of Light for the client. It is important to metaphorically fill the space left by the departing beings.

The sixth step entails ongoing therapy for the client. More entities may be found and released in subsequent sessions. Past life therapy and fragm entation recovery are vital to restore balance to the client. It is essential to resolve the conflict and to heal the emotional vulnerability which first allowed the spirit attachment.

Recovery of Soul-Mind Fragmentation (RSF) is a clinical approach to soul retrieval, an age-old shamanic method of healing. Sickness was considered to be caused by loss of one's soul, or part of it. The shaman journeyed into the underworld to retrieve the soul and return it to the sick person, restoring wholeness and health. The client is passive during the shamanic work. In RSF, the client is guided to locate the original trauma, recover the lost fragment, and welcome it back into the body/mind space. This approach is empowering for the client who takes an active part in the process.

This condition is also reflected in our language, indicating an inner awareness: "It was a shattering experience." "I'm just falling apart." "He's not all here today." "I left my heart in San Francisco." And the healing of the condition is also familiar to our inner knower: "Pull yourself together." "He's a real together guy." Physical and emotional traumas can cause fragmentation and formation of sub-personalities, some of which literally leave the premises. The trauma is processed to resolution, with no remaining emotional residue, and the fragment is recovered and reintegrated. With the fragment safely home, the client will report a feeling of warmth, peace, and a pleasant new sense of wholeness. Fragmentation as the source of illness is an important concept in the native healing traditions. It may prove to be an important thread in the rich tapestry of holistic healing.

Results can often be seen immediately after using these three related modalities. Many emotional problems and some physical conditions are eased or eliminated through Past Life Therapy, Spirit Releasement Therapy and Recovery of Soul-Mind Fragmentation. Regression therapy is a profound experience for the therapist as well as the client. It is a gentle, loving, transpersonal psychotherapy.

William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D
rev. 6/2000 2000 Center for Human Relations

William J. Baldwin, D.D.S., Ph.D., Co-director of the Center for Human Relations, is an ordained minister, pastoral counselor, hypnotherapist, past lives therapist, lecturer and seminar facilitator. Since leaving the practice of dentistry in 1982, Dr. Baldwin has devoted his time to counseling, primarily in the area of past lives therapy. This work expanded to include spirit releasement. Dr. Baldwin, a modern pioneer in this field, authored the first technique manual on Regression Therapy and Spirit Releasement Therapy.





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